St Patrick & The Morning Commute

The story we’re most familiar with is of St Patrick charming all the snakes from Ireland's rocky shores, which was an unlikely habitat for reptiles anyway, again another story. Non the less, this brings me to the reason for writing today. I would like to extend a hand of welcome to St Patrick, come and grace us with your presence here on the South Island, charm those same slithering fiends from our midst, just over the Malahat would be fine, even better perhaps he could entice the whole pit onto our Courtenay Commuter train. This Vintage Conveyance leaves Victoria like clockwork every morning at eight O’clock sharp, blasting it's big air horns like somebody cares, they'll feel right at home I'm sure. I guess these same influential few were able to approve this service so they could quietly go to work in Courtenay each day but still reside here in Victoria, makes perfect sense to me. Only in Canada ah!
Posted by: John Ellis
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