Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Luba Dvortsova

Ms Dvortsova is a teacher with high standards and held a senior position at the music school in Khabarovsk before coming to Canada.

The Khabarovsk School Of Music. Luba was well respected by all her faculty and staff, especially for her straight forward ability to get good results. Luba believes that a student must be well disciplined in order to reach the confidence levels needed to compliment their natural talents, she makes it her personal challenge to bring these attributes to the surface for all to enjoy, especially her students....

Luba is a natural born leader, as anyone who knows her can attest to, as a consultant for the collage curriculum in Russia she was able to fine tune it's music program and performances to everyone's benefit, using her communication skills to create harmony and progress for the collage and all it's faculty and staff...

Luba is now the main accompanist for "Island Dance Studios" in Victoria, BC, Canada and also teaches piano at her own music school (Music Victoria) in James Bay.

Vistit Luba's Website:

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