
I am compelled to write this article because of the way this auspicious event made me feel, like I was sitting down with my own kind of people, and as an immigrant to Canada myself, I felt a real kinship to these hearty Vikings. Their stories of goodbyes to the auld motherland, and being told “don’t look back” for fear that her mournful mountains and valleys would prevent them, now remembered as much taller and a deeper green in the hearts and minds of today. This all touched a singular chord with me, their old nautical passages to the North American shores were not unlike my own crossing of the Atlantic, where I endured upwards of force ten gales to reach the land of opportunity, vowing never to step foot on any floating vessel again although you know I did, as time would reveal two more Atlantic crossings. These days, seeing as man has developed wings, I’m quite happy to fly.
This story is far greater than the few words I have conjured up here, so feel free to add your own Thorrablot tale, into "comments" down below.
Posted By: John Ellis
I am a friend of John Ellis. We lost John to a heart attack on Jan 5 2013. Memorial will be at the Ukranian Hall in Victoria BC at 2pm Sunday, January 26 2013.
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