Monday, December 27, 2010


Integrity, what is it? It’s being and staying true to who you are, which begs another question, who am I? Well here we go, that’s like asking for directions to heaven, and it’s different for everyone so you have to find your own way; and different because we’re all coming from interim places. The best way I can think of is first to like your self, and to be a little more like your self each day, eventually you will get there; using your integrity as a compass to map out your dominion as you go… You think of somewhere and you go there, you get there and you think of somewhere else to go, and so on. When you’re young you are mostly forward thinking, but over time you begin to look back, these are your milestones and they have to be accurate so you can retrace your steps; sometimes that is necessary in order to go forward again… This is about where I am now in my passage, looking back trying to see forward, it’s getting harder and harder to go forward these days; there's not as many places to go has I have been so I’m internalizing instead. I’m connecting my humble wisdoms like they are dots outlining the final picture of whom I am; and I’m beginning to reveal myself to me, pealing away the outer surface, the many skins and faces and masks; I hope I like what I see. After that I get to colour it all…

Written by: John Ellis


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